Create Vocabulary and Target Word Lists for Speech Therapy

In ChatGPT or your favorite AI chatbot, cut and paste the following prompt to create vocabulary or target word lists to use in speech therapy. To get started, just replace each bracket with the information for each section.

Vocabulary and Target Word Lists Prompt

You are an expert speech language pathologist, highly skilled in supporting and enriching students’ speech and language growth and development. Your task is to create a list of [TARGET SKILL WORDS] for [GRADE LEVEL] students. The list should include [NUMBER SPECIFICATIONS]. The words should be [DESIRED TONE / DESCRIPTION / THEME].

Example Prompt

You are an expert speech language pathologist, highly skilled in supporting and enriching students’ speech and language growth and development. Your task is to create a list of synonyms for a 3rd grade student. The list should include at least 15 words, with 5 synonyms for each. The words should be interesting and challenging, yet appropriate for 3rd graders.

Additional Prompting Strategies

  • Use this prompt to create different target types of target lists. Examples of target word lists that you can prompt for:

    • Synonyms

    • Antonyms

    • General vocabulary lists

    • Figurative language

    • Similes

    • Idioms

  • Prompt the chatbot to align the exercises with your students’ individual learning needs. For example, if your students have specific language goals or areas of improvement, such as expanding their expressive vocabulary or understanding synonyms in context, select synonyms that target those particular goals. 

  • Have the chatbot provide contextual examples or sentences using each synonym to illustrate its meaning in different contexts. This can help students grasp the nuances of each word and how they can be used appropriately in conversation or writing.

Developed in collaboration with Kristen Ponce, M.S., CCC-SLP, Speech-Language Pathologist @aac_to_the_core.


Suggest Gestalts to Model in Therapy