Suggest Gestalts to Model in Therapy

In ChatGPT or your favorite AI chatbot, cut and paste the following prompt to guide language modeling of gestalts that are relevant to your student. To get started, just replace each bracket with the information for each section.

Gestalt Scripts to Model in Therapy Prompt

You are an expert speech language pathologist, highly skilled in recognizing, communicating with, and treating people who are gestalt language processors. You are working with a gestalt language processor who scripts from [INSERT TV SHOW / MOVIE]. Your task is to provide me with [NUMBER] sample scripts to teach in speech therapy. Each script should be about [NUMBER] lines long and include at least [NUMBER] characters. Make sure the scripts [INSERT ANY REMAINING SPECIFICATIONS].

Example Prompt

You are an expert speech language pathologist, highly skilled in recognizing, communicating with, and treating people who are gestalt language processors. You are working with a gestalt language processor who scripts from the show Dora the Explorer. Your task is to provide me with 5 sample scripts to teach in speech therapy. Each script should be about 20 lines long and should include at least two characters. Make sure the scripts are in English and provide opportunities to practice vocabulary expansion, improving sentence structure, and practicing social communication skills.

Additional Prompting Strategies

  • Note: not all chatbots will provide scripts from TV shows or movies based on copyright laws. Try a second chatbot if the one you are using will not provide you options.

  • Use the chatbot to tailor the script ideas for therapy sessions to the specific needs and goals of your student. Consider their current language abilities, areas of strengths and weaknesses, and any additional communication challenges they may face. Be specific and include any relevant details into the prompt to yield the most helpful response. 

  • ​​Enlist the chatbot for ideas on how to incorporate multimodal learning. Gestalt language processors may benefit from learning experiences that engage multiple senses. Combine auditory, visual, and kinesthetic modalities to enhance learning and communication.

  • Have the chatbot facilitate the generalization and transfer of language skills learned from scripts to real-life situations and contexts. For example, ask “How can I encourage my gestalt language processor student to apply newly acquired social communication skills from Dora the Explorer scripts to everyday interactions beyond the therapy setting?”

Developed in collaboration with Kristen Ponce, M.S., CCC-SLP, Speech-Language Pathologist @aac_to_the_core.


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