Anticipate Common Misconceptions Using an AI Chatbot

In ChatGPT or your favorite AI chatbot, cut and paste the following prompt to generate a list of common misconceptions or errors about a topic of study. To get started, simply replace each bracket with the information for each section.

Anticipate Common Misconceptions Prompt

Act as a subject matter expert in [CONTENT AREA] and an experienced [GRADE LEVEL] teacher. Help me identify some common mistakes and misconceptions that [GRADE LEVEL] students have about [CONCEPT OR SKILL], and suggest some strategies to proactively address them.

Example Prompt

Act as a subject matter expert in English Language Arts and an experienced middle school teacher. Help me identify some common mistakes and misconceptions that middle school students have about figurative language, and suggest some strategies to proactively address them.

Additional Prompting Strategies

  • Ask the chatbot to suggest common obstacles to the content for students with specific learning disabilities (Note-never enter personally identifiable information into a chatbot).

  • Use the chatbot to generate supporting content for its suggested supports, such as scripts for think alouds.

  • Prompt the chatbot to suggest a pacing guide for spiral review of the content to maximize comprehension and retention of the material.

  • Ask the chatbot to generate a lesson plan that aligns to science of learning principles to teach the content with the obstacles in mind.


Convert a Multiple Choice Test into a Project Using an AI Chatbot


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