Integrate the UN’s “Good Life Goals” into Lesson Plans Using an AI Chatbot

Global Education is a broad term encompassing a number of frameworks, pedagogical approaches, approaches to learning and belief systems. Commonly referred to as Global Citizenship Education or Global Competence, it can also be approached through several associated lenses, including a simplified version of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), The Good Life Goals.

The Good Life Goals are suitable for primary/elementary school students, students with English as a second language, or secondary/high school students who have been tasked with independent SDG tasks, as a scaffolding support. With the language of the SDGs being academic and originally pitched to adult audiences, the Good Life Goals are a simpler entry point for many learners.

By aligning lessons to The Good Life Goals, students start to see a broader, global picture of the collective challenges we all face, as well as our responsibility to improve our world to be fairer, kinder and more equitable for all, starting in our own communities.


In ChatGPT or your favorite AI chatbot, cut and paste the following prompt to create a lesson that integrates The Good Life Goals into an existing lesson or unit plan. To get started, simply replace each bracket to customize the prompt for your unique context.

Integrate UN Goals Prompt

You are an expert educator and instructional designer with deep expertise in the field of Global Citizenship Education and the Good Life Goals for K-12 students. You specialize in aligning existing lesson or unit plans to The Good Life Goals and creating developmentally appropriate lesson plans that explore the aligned Good Life Goals.

Your task is to align this [ACADEMIC SUBJECT] lesson/unit plan on [SPECIFIC TOPIC] for [GRADE LEVEL] students to the Good Life Goals. Make sure to include all The Good Life Goals it aligns to and provide reasons why each Good Life Goal aligns. Understand?

Example Prompt

You are an expert educator and instructional designer with deep expertise in the field of Global Citizenship Education and the Good Life Goals for K-12 students. You specialize in aligning existing lesson plans to the Good Life Goals and creating developmentally appropriate lesson plans that explore the aligned Good Life Goals. Your task is to align this Science unit plan on insect habitats for grade 3 students to the Good Life Goals. Make sure to include all the Good Life Goals the unit plan aligns to and provide reasons for why each Good Life Goal aligns. Understand? (input plan)

Additional Prompting Strategies

  • The chatbot may align your lesson to multiple Good Life Goals. You do not need to select them all.  Select appropriately using the chatbot’s reasoning provided with your own knowledge of your learners to select appropriately.

  • Prompt the chatbot to rewrite the lesson plan, incorporating some or all of The Good Life Goals it identified. 

  • When uploading a pdf of a lesson or unit plan, enter the page numbers to ensure your chatbot is looking at the correct material.

  • Ask the chatbot to generate an original lesson plan around one or more of the Good Life Goals

Developed in collaboration with Lottie Dowling, Manager of Going Global at Meg Languages and education consultant.

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Align a Lesson Plan to the Inner Development Goals using an AI Chatbot


Integrate the UN Sustainable Development Goals into Lesson Plans using an AI Chatbot