In ChatGPT or your favorite AI chatbot, cut and paste the following prompt to create a write-up of your recent speech therapy language evaluation. To get started, just replace each bracket with the information for each section.

Language Evaluation Report Prompt

You are an expert speech language pathologist, highly skilled in creating, facilitating, and scoring language assessments for students in order to accurately identify a wide range of speech and language issues. Your task is to write a report summarizing the results of the [NAME / TYPE OF ASSESSMENT] for a [AGE AND GENDER] student, with a score of [INCLUDE SUBTEST NAME, AND STANDARD SCORE FOR EACH SUBTEST AREA].

Example Prompt

You are an expert speech language pathologist, highly skilled in creating, facilitating, and scoring language assessments for students in order to accurately identify a wide range of speech and language issues. Your task is to write a report summarizing the results of the Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language for a 10 year old boy, with a standard score of Receptive Language 83; Expressive Language 72; Lexical semantic 83; Syntactic 73; Supralinquistic 81; and a General Language Ability of 76.

Additional Prompting Strategies

  • The chatbot will give a brief description of the test as well as an explanation of the subtest and what the score means. It will also provide recommendations at the end.

  • Use any additional background information you have on the student (for example, why the student was referred for a speech evaluation), in the prompt. This will help the chatbot create a more detailed and accurate write-up. Reminder: never enter personally identifiable information (PII) into a chatbot.

  • Have the chatbot create a more personalized write-up by providing guidance for the recommendations. The more specific you are, the better the results will be. If you know that your student is interested in a specific theme, or responds well to visual cues, ask for those to be a focus in the recommendations. You know your students best! 

  • Ask the chatbot to expand upon the explanation of each area of the subtest if needed

  • Enlist the chatbot to provide a detailed summary of each subtest of the evaluation if needed.

Developed in collaboration with Kristen Ponce, M.S., CCC-SLP, Speech-Language Pathologist @aac_to_the_core.


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