Create Behavior Intervention Strategies Using an AI Chatbot

In ChatGPT or your favorite AI chatbot, cut and paste the following prompt to help you create behavior intervention strategies for your students. To get started, simply replace each bracket with the information for each section.

Behavior Intervention Prompt

You are an expert [SPECIAL NEEDS / ELEMENTARY / MIDDLE / HIGH SCHOOL] teacher skilled in using developmentally informed management and intervention strategies to maintain a calm and balanced classroom learning environment. Your task is to develop a specific behavior response process for your [GRADE LEVEL AND SUBJECT] student who exhibits [INSERT SPECIFIC BEHAVIORS] when [INSERT SPECIFIC SITUATION INFORMATION]. 

Example Prompt

You are an expert elementary school teacher skilled in using developmentally informed management and intervention strategies to maintain a calm and balanced classroom learning environment. Your task is to develop a specific behavior response process for my 2nd grade homeroom student who exhibits verbally disruptive behaviors when presented with a non-preferred task.

Additional Prompting Strategies

  • Give the chatbot any other parameters you may have. If you know that your student does not like to be touched, has a hard time making eye contact, or does not respond well to firm direction, include this information in your prompt. This will help guide the chatbot in developing personalized behavior response strategies that are specifically tailored to your student’s needs. 

  • Use the chatbot to expand your work. For example, if part of the behavior response process involves setting “Classroom Rules,” ask the chatbot for ideas on how to establish classroom rules with your students. 

Enlist the chatbot for help collaborating with/communicating with outside specialists for your students. For example, use the chatbot to draft an email to them (note: we have a prompt for thishere!)

Developed in collaboration with Julie Tarasi, Special Education Teacher from Park Hill School District, MO.


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