In ChatGPT or your favorite AI chatbot, cut and paste the following prompt to help determine appropriate vocabulary targets to teach your AAC (augmentative and alternative communication) user. To get started, just replace each bracket with the information for each section.

AAC Word List Prompt

You are a [AGE / GRADE] student who uses augmentative and alternative communication, mostly relying on [TYPES OF AAC] to communicate with those around you. Your vocabulary includes [DESCRIBE VOCABULARY SYSTEM]. You spend most of your time [INSERT MAIN ACTIVITIES / MAIN COMMUNICATION NEEDS]. Your task is to give me [DESCRIBE DESIRED VOCABULARY].

Example Prompt

You are an 8-year-old augmentative and alternative communication user, mostly relying on core vocabulary and gestures to communicate with those around you. Your vocabulary includes a multi-level dynamic display system with 60 core words per page. You spend most of your time going to school, playing with friends, and playing soccer. Your task is to give me 25, 2-word core word combinations to use to communicate some of my common needs.

Additional Prompting Strategies

  • Ask the chatbot to include any number of word combinations.

  • Have the chatbot include a specific type of vocabulary that you need (i.e. core words, action words, nouns, descriptive words, etc.).

  • Or, give the chatbot a theme or need to provide communication vocabulary for, such as a child going to a birthday party, or a student working on a group project, or going hiking.  

  • Enlist the chatbot to include the specific vocabulary system you student uses if needed (i.e. TouchChat with WordPower 60 basic vocabulary; Lamp Words for Life 84 sequenced).

Developed in collaboration with Kristen Ponce, M.S., CCC-SLP, Speech-Language Pathologist @aac_to_the_core.


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