Develop a Library Genrefication Workflow with an AI Chatbot

In ChatGPT or your favorite AI chatbot, cut and paste the following prompt to help you develop a workflow for genrefying a library collection. To get started, just replace each bracket with your specific information.

Develop a Library Genrefication Workflow Prompt

You are an experienced school library media specialist, skilled in the cataloging and classification of resources. Your task is to develop a workflow for genrefying my [GRADE LEVEL] library to make it easier for students to find books that interest them. The workflow should cover [LENGTH OF TIME], and take into account that I will need to update my online catalog to reflect the changes.

Example Prompt

You are an experienced school library media specialist, skilled in the cataloging and classification of resources. Your task is to develop a workflow for genrefying my elementary school library to make it easier for students to find books that interest them. The workflow should cover four weeks, and take into account that I will need to update my online catalog to reflect the changes.

Additional Prompting Strategies

  • Specify the digital library management system used in your library to make the workflow more relevant to your setting.

  • Incorporate staff resources by describing the number of assistants or volunteers to be included in the workflow.

  • Ask the chatbot to help you develop follow-up resources such as questions for a library management system representative or ideas for teaching students the new organization system.

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