Develop a Hiring Process Using an AI Chatbot

In ChatGPT or your favorite AI chatbot, cut and paste the following prompt to help you develop an efficient hiring process for any role at your school or district. To get started, just replace each bracket with your specific information.

Develop a Hiring Workflow Prompt

You are an experienced recruitment and hiring specialist in a K-12 school district. Your task is to develop an efficient hiring process for [ROLE]. The hiring flow  should cover [NUMBER OF STAGES] stages, including applicant screening, a performance task, and a panel interview.  Sequence the stages in order, and identify key considerations and best practices for each. Begin by asking me questions, one at a time, to help you complete this task more efficiently. 

Example Prompt

You are an experienced recruitment and hiring specialist in a K-12 school district. Your task is to develop an efficient hiring process for a middle school assistant principal.  The hiring flow  should cover four stages, including  applicant screening, a performance task, and a panel interview.  Sequence the stages in order, and identify key considerations and best practices for each. Begin by asking me questions, one at a time, to help you complete this task more efficiently.

Additional Prompting Strategies

  • Ask the AI to tailor the hiring workflow for specific roles (e.g., teachers, administrators, support staff) within the school district. Example: "Adapt the hiring workflow for a high school math teacher position, highlighting any unique considerations for this role."

  • Present the AI with common hiring challenges and ask for solutions within the workflow. Example: "How would you modify the workflow to address a situation where there's a shortage of qualified candidates for a critical position?"

  • Ask the AI to develop role-specific interview questions that align with the district's values and needs. Example: "Generate a set of interview questions for an elementary school teacher position that assess both teaching skills and cultural fit with our district."

  • Extend the workflow to include initial onboarding steps for new hires. Example: "Expand the hiring workflow to include the first month of onboarding, detailing key activities and milestones for new employees."

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