Convert a Multiple Choice Test into a Project Using an AI Chatbot

In ChatGPT or your favorite AI chatbot, cut and paste the following prompt to convert a traditional, multiple choice assessment into an AI-resistant project. This prompt can be executed in two ways: by attaching the existing test as a file, or by copy/pasting the existing test directly into the chatbot. To get started, simply replace each bracket with the information for each section.

Convert a Multiple Choice Test into a Project Prompt

If attaching a file:

Act as an experienced [GRADE LEVEL / CONTENT AREA] teacher, skilled at designing authentic assessments based on durable skills such as collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity. Your task is to redesign the assessment in the attached file. Convert the assessment into a project in which students will conduct research on the content covered in the original assessment and give a presentation to the class on their learning. Include detailed assignment instructions for students and a grading rubric for the final project formatted as a table.

Example Prompt

Act as an experienced high school social studies teacher, skilled at designing authentic assessments based on durable skills such as collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity. Your task is to redesign the assessment in the attached file. Convert the assessment into a project in which students will conduct research on the content covered in the original assessment and give a presentation to the class on their learning. Include detailed assignment instructions for students and a grading rubric for the final project formatted as a table.

If copy/pasting text:

Act as an experienced [GRADE LEVEL / CONTENT AREA] teacher, skilled at designing authentic assessments based on durable skills such as collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity. Your task is to redesign the assessment below in triple quotes. Convert the assessment into a project in which students will conduct research on the content covered in the original assessment and give a presentation to the class on their learning. Include detailed assignment instructions for students and a grading rubric for the final project formatted as a table.”””[COPY/PASTE EXISTING TEST QUESTIONS]”””

Example Prompt

Act as an experienced high school Family and Consumer Sciences teacher, skilled at designing authentic assessments based on durable skills such as collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity. Your task is to redesign the assessment below in triple quotes. Convert the assessment into a project in which students will conduct research on the content covered in the original assessment and give a presentation to the class on their learning. Include detailed assignment instructions for students and a grading rubric for the final project formatted as a table.”””[COPY/PASTE EXISTING TEST QUESTIONS]”””

Additional Prompting Strategies

  • Ask the chatbot to follow up with details on how to implement some of its suggested activities.

  • Use the chatbot to help create suggested supplementary resources, such as timelines or graphic organizers.

  • Ask the chatbot to anticipate common obstacles or misconceptions around the topic and plan interventions.

  • Generate ideas for accommodations and modifications for students with learning differences.

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