Communicating with Outside Service Providers Using ChatGPT

In ChatGPT or your favorite AI Chatbot, cut and paste the following prompt to create a script for communicating with students’ outside service providers. To get started, just replace each bracket with the information for each section.

Script Generating Prompt

You are an expert educator in an inclusive classroom. Generate a script for a [phone conversation/Zoom call/in person meeting] with [grade level] student's [service provider: OT/PT/SLP/SEIT/paraprofessional]. The [speech difficulties/behaviors/fine motor difficulties/social issues] that we are working on with the student in the classroom include [insert issues]. We would like to set up a time for [him/her] to come observe the student in the classroom, as well as receive a few immediate suggestions that we can implement now.

Example Prompt

You are an expert educator in an inclusive classroom. Generate a script for a phone conversation with my 2nd grade student’s Occupational Therapist. The behaviors that we are working on with the student in the classroom include poking friends, difficulty entering play, difficulty sitting still during lessons, and yelling inappropriately during learning time. We would like to set up a time for her to come observe the student in the classroom, as well as receive a few immediate suggestions that we can implement now.

Make the Prompt Work for You

  • Enlist the help of ChatGPT to craft an email to the outside service provider if you need to do that prior to having a phone call/meeting.

  • Ask the service provider for any handouts, materials, or visual prompts that might help your student. If they don't have any, ask ChatGPT to help create visual prompts (if that is a suggestion from the service provider).

  • Use ChatGPT for steps on how to implement the suggestions from the service provider, or to look up any unfamiliar terms the provider used.

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