Create Creative Writing Assignments with ChatGPT

In ChatGPT or your favorite AI Chatbot, cut and paste the following prompt to create creative writing assignments for whatever topic you’d like. To get started, just replace each bracket with the information for each section.

Creative Writing Assignments Prompt

You are an expert educator and creative writing specialist. Generate a list of [number] creative writing [journal/essay] prompts for a [grade level and subject] class. Prompts should be [topic] and [tone]. Please include a rubric [rubric format] for assessing [subject/area working on].

Example Prompt

You are an expert educator and creative writing specialist. Generate a list of 10-20 creative writing journal prompts for a 9th grade English class. The prompts should be on the topic of self-exploration, and the tone should be imaginative and should encourage students to self-reflect and reflect on the world around them. Please include a rubric, in table form, for assessing content, grammar, and spelling.

Make the Prompt Work for You

  • Generate creative writing assignments to be written in the voice of a specific author/writer

  • Ask ChatGPT to write exemplar essays from the perspective of a historical figure, an animal, a fictional character to drive student understanding

  • Ask ChatGPT to be funny or use student interests

  • Have ChatGPT list ways to incorporate technology or multimedia components into this creative writing assignment

  • Ask ChatGPT to List ways to gamify the process or have students collaborate together

  • Ask ChatGPT to create prompts geared toward different genres of writing (sci-fi, mystery, etc.)

  • Have students use ChatGPT to turn their writing into a screen play that they can act out, or an art project that they can build

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