Design a Strengths-Based Lesson Using an AI Chatbot

In ChatGPT or your favorite AI chatbot, cut and paste the following prompt to create a lesson plan that builds on student strengths. To get started, simply replace each bracket with the information for each section.

Strengths-Based Lesson Plan Prompt

Act as an experienced [GRADE LEVEL / CONTENT AREA] teacher, skilled at designing engaging learning activities for students of all ability levels. Develop a [CONTENT AREA] activity for [GRADE LEVEL] students who are developing an understanding of [CONCEPT]. They have a good understanding of [LIST PREVIOUSLY MASTERED CONTENT]. Their other skills include [LIST STUDENT STRENGTHS]. Suggest three to five activities that build on these strengths to help them develop their skills in [CONCEPT].

Example Prompt

Act as an experienced elementary school math teacher, skilled at designing engaging learning activities for students of all ability levels. Develop a math activity for 3rd grade students who are developing an understanding of equivalent fractions. They have a good understanding of fractions as parts of a whole, and can represent fractions on a number line. Their other skills include single-digit multiplication, art, and curiosity. Suggest three to five activities that build on these strengths to help them develop their skills in identifying equivalent fractions.

Additional Prompting Strategies

  • Ask the chatbot to follow up with details on how to implement some of its suggested activities.

  • Use the chatbot to help create suggested supplementary resources, such as rubrics or pacing guides.

  • Customize the activity even further by adding in student interests (e.g., baseball, horses, technology, etc.).

  • Ask the chatbot to identify opportunities for formative assessment throughout the activity, and suggest interventions for students who need further support.

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