Design an AI-Resistant Assessment Using a Chatbot

In ChatGPT or your favorite AI chatbot, cut and paste the following prompt to design an assessment activity that is resistant to AI. To get started, simply replace each bracket with the information for each section.

Design an AI-Resistant Assessment Prompt

You are a veteran [GRADE LEVEL / CONTENT AREA] teacher, with expertise in designing authentic assessments that measure students’ actual conceptual understanding. Help me write an AI-resistant assessment for [GRADE LEVEL] students that addresses [TOPIC OR STANDARD] in a hands-on and engaging way. AI-resistant assessments focus on process over product, center durable skills such as critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration, and often include an oral or performance element. Start by identifying the critical content that students must learn in order to fully understand the concept. Then design an assessment that forces students to engage with the critical content, while allowing accommodations and modifications to noncritical aspects of the assignment.e essay.

Example Prompt

You are a veteran middle school social studies teacher, with expertise in designing authentic assessments that measure students’ actual conceptual understanding. Help me write an AI-resistant assessment for 8th grade students that addresses political, social, and economic changes during the American Reconstruction Era in a hands-on and engaging way. AI-resistant assessments focus on process over product, center durable skills such as critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration, and often include an oral or performance element. Start by identifying the critical content that students must learn in order to fully understand the concept. Then design an assessment that forces students to engage with the critical content, while allowing accommodations and modifications to noncritical aspects of the assignment.

Additional Prompting Strategies

  • Ask the chatbot to follow up with details on how to implement some of its suggested activities.

  • Use the chatbot to help create a grading rubric for the assessment.

  • Attach a file with an existing lesson plan or assignment and ask the chatbot to redesign it as an AI-resistant assignment.

  • Ask the chatbot to generate a suggested timeline or pacing guide for the assessment, identifying opportunities for formative assessment along the way.

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