Create a Project-Based-Lesson Plan with ChatGPT

In ChatGPT or your favorite AI Chatbot, cut and paste the following prompt to create a project-based-lesson plan (PBL) customized for your classroom. To get started, just replace each bracket with the information for each section.

PBL Lesson Prompt

Generate a [number of days or weeks] Project Based Learning plan consisting of [number of minutes each day] for [grade/subject] that is based on the Buck Institute for Education’s Gold Standard PBL  that covers [standard(s)] to answer the driving question of [driving question].

Include the following:

  • Project summary that includes a project launch, milestones, anticipated student Need to Know questions

  • Activities aligned to the milestones and related activities that will build student knowledge and experience with the topic(s), allow for students to share drafts of their work, opportunities for peer feedback and revision, reflection upon their work

  • List scaffolds to help a variety of student need to be successful

  • A plan for a public presentation of learning to an authentic audience beyond their classroom peers and an opportunity to reflect upon their final product

  • Draft a parent letter explaining what Project Based Learning is and why learning this way helps students

Example Prompt

Generate a four-week-long Project Based Learning plan consisting of 45 minutes each day for 5th graders that is based on the Buck Institute for Education’s Gold Standard PBL that addresses Next Generation Science Standard E-ESS3-1 and Common Core RI 5.7 and 5.9 to answer the driving question of How can our community use science ideas to protect the Earth’s resources and environment.

  • Project summary that includes a project launch, milestones, anticipated student Need to Know questions

  • Activities aligned to the milestones and related activities that will build student knowledge and experience with the topic(s), allow for students to share drafts of their work, opportunities for peer feedback and revision, reflection upon their work

  • List scaffolds to help a variety of student need to be successful

  • A plan for a public presentation of learning to an authentic audience beyond their classroom peers and an opportunity to reflect upon their final product

  • Draft a parent letter explaining what Project Based Learning is and why learning this way helps students

Make the Prompt Work for You

  • Create extension activities, handouts and other materials that you think would support your students

  • Have ChatGPT create different types of lessons like PBL, the 5E framework, etc.

  • Ask ChatGPT to create content for google slides/powerpoint slides

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Prompt designed by Rich Dixon, Creative Services Director at Clarity Innovations.


Lesson Plans


5E Lesson Plan