Train-the-Trainer at Catawba County Schools


AI for Education just wrapped up a two-day "Train the Trainer" on AI Literacy for Educators and Students with some incredible educators at Catawba County Schools.

The workshop was the kickoff of a 3-year Digital Learning Initiative Impact grant awarded by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction.

Here's what we did:

Day 1: Dove deep into GenAI fundamentals and equipping the trainers with tools and guidance to bring this training back to their respective schools.

Day 2: Focused on building student AI literacy and ethical mindsets. We explored common concerns, defined AI literacy, provided classroom strategies, and resources for teaching key AI literacy skills.

Plus, we even had a little close-up magic courtesy of one of the teachers (thanks Andrew!) for some entertainment.

We believe this initiative positions Catawba County Schools at the forefront of AI literacy education, setting the standard for AI integration in education across North Carolina and beyond.

We couldn’t be more proud of these educators' enthusiasm and dedication, and as always I had a lot of fun facilitating. Can't wait to see the ripple effect as they share this knowledge with colleagues and students!

Thanks so much to Marty Sharpe, Terri Hall, Jo-Nell Isenhour, and Vera Cubero and the entire Catawba team!

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