Say Goodbye to ChatGPT-3.5


ChatGPT-3.5 is finally out.

OpenAI just launched 4o-mini, which is a scaled back version of OpenAI's frontier model 4o and replacing 3.5 for all users.

We are just beginning to experiment with the new model (and I'll be doing it live tomorrow with Superintendents in Ohio), but here are some of the upgrades:

- The chatbot now has vision capabilities, so you can finally upload documents/images on the free model

- It has a larger context window (128K tokens)

- The knowledge cutoff is now October 2023

- Initial testing shows it works pretty well with the Prompts from our Prompt Library

Equity of access to frontier models without paywalls is enormously important, so we are encouraged to see OpenAI updating the capabilities of its free model.


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