New Release: Claude 3.5 Sonnet


At AI for Education, we love training teachers and leaders on Claude.AI, so we are excited to see the release of their most advanced model 3.5 Sonnet for free!

If you haven't tried it out yet, this is why we like it so much:

  • It's a constitutional AI with a focus on responsible and ethical development of GenAI

  • Benchmarks show that the free model surpasses the paid versions of ChatGPT and Gemini

  • Giving their most advanced model away for free supports equitable access to a frontier model

  • It has the most natural writing voice of any bot we have tried

  • It's computer vision component makes it super easy to interact with lesson plans, diagrams, presentations, reading passages, and more

  • It now has an IOS app and is available around the world

  • Provides warnings when the bot's outputs may be hallucinating (e.g., when providing website URLs)

  • Works well with our Prompts in our Prompt Library

Check out our video walkthrough or more about the release of Claude 3.5 Sonnet on their website.


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