Higher Ed Workshop - Two Things

Yesterday we ran our first AI for Education workshop for Higher Education faculty at Ramapo College of New Jersey.

We had a packed house of engaged, thoughtful stakeholders from across the college.

There were two things we wanted to highlight from the session:

1. There is a lot of rhetoric about how professors are not open to shifting their practice to responsibly adopt AI, which was absolutely not reflected in this group. There was a genuine desire amongst the participants to understand how to adapt their practice to AI - not just brand it as cheating.

2. There was acknowledgement in the room that GenAI had been stigmatized so much that many students were afraid of using the tools - they were afraid of being accused of cheating or not trying.

As these and many of the educators we’ve worked with already know, it’s not just about embracing or rejecting AI – it’s about taking an approach that responsibly integrates this transformative technology to enhance the learning experience and prepare students for a future that is rapidly changing.

This moment calls for us all to remain open to new ideas, to engage in constructive dialogues, and to continue exploring how AI can be a force for educational enrichment.

It’s a true privilege to be a part of this unfolding narrative, working alongside these proactive and innovative educators. Thank you Ramapo for having us!

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