Chicago Public Schools AI Guidance


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Last week, Chicago Public Schools (CPS) announced the release of the first version of its AI Guidebook, developed in partnership between the Office of Teaching and Learning, the Department of Information and Technology Services (ITS) and AI for Education.

As educators and students adopt AI, developing policies and guidelines is crucial to realizing AI’s benefits while mitigating risks. While such a policy is always an ongoing work-in-progress, CPS has made a significant commitment to developing actionable and tactical GenAI guidance for their 634 schools serving more than 300,000 students. We are privileged to have partnered with the district on this important work and to be able to share it with education leaders.

Mary Beck, the Deputy Chief of Teaching and Learning of CPS, says, "the goal of our AI guide is to further enhance the daily student learning experience by empowering teachers with ways to increase their efficiency, develop more personalized learning opportunities and bring responsible AI use to the classroom for students."

Key highlights of the guidebook include:

1. Cross-Departmental Approach: The guidebook reflects a unified strategy, merging educational best practices with robust IT protocols to ensure a comprehensive approach to AI adoption.

2. Ethical AI Use: CPS emphasizes responsible use of AI tools, with clear guidelines on privacy, data security, and bias mitigation. 

3. Student Empowerment: Students will use district-approved AI tools with teacher permission, fostering AI literacy while maintaining academic integrity. 

4. Educator Innovation: Teachers are encouraged to explore AI integration in their classrooms; the guidebook offering suggestions for age-appropriate usage and curriculum enhancement.

5. IT Best Practices: The guidebook outlines robust protocols for the development and management of AI software within the district as aligned to our SOPPA rules and guidelines, and permits the use of tools listed in the district’s Ed Tech Catalog.  

6. Administrative Oversight: School leaders will ensure compliance and manage AI-related incidents.

7. Professional Development: CPS commits to ongoing staff training beginning in summer 2024, jointly developed by Teaching and Learning and ITS. 

8. Phased Implementation: Full GenAI integration is planned for the 2025-2026 school year, with 2024-2025 serving as a learning period.

9. Ed Tech Catalog: The guidebook references the district’s Ed Tech Catalog, maintained collaboratively, that lists all approved AI tools for use in CPS.

10. Ongoing Refinement: Both offices commit to regular updates of the guidebook, ensuring it evolves with technological advancements and educational needs. 

This initiative positions CPS at the forefront of educational innovation, preparing students for a future where AI plays an increasingly significant role. Thanks to the entire team at CPS led by Mary Beck, Lorne Rodriguez, Kara Thorstenson, Helena Swanson-Nystrom, and many more that contributed to the process.

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