AI’s Potential Impact on the Classroom


One of these is not like the other....

As part of Amanda’s with Fairfax County Public Schools, she explored AI's potential impact on today’s classroom, which often looks an awful lot like classrooms from 100 years ago.

In her talk, Amanda highlighted several key points:

• Technological advancements have dramatically changed various aspects of life (transportation, communication, industry) over the past century, but education has remained relatively the same.

• AI is currently at the "Conversational" level, with much higher levels of reasoning capability, creativity, and autonomy expected in the future - we are still in the earliest stages

• Many educators are already using AI today for tasks such as drafting communications, lesson planning, brainstorming, and differentiating/translating content

• In the education system we have an opportunity unlike any before to co-create how teaching and learning evolves

Four Key Steps for Educators and Leaders to Take:

1. Learn: Build AI literacy for themselves and their school community

2. Empower: Teach students about responsible and ethical use of AI

3. Advocate: Engage with stakeholders across the ecosystem to advocate for responsible and innovative adoption of AI

4. Share: Collaborate with other professionals and share best practices and approaches because we are all learning at the same time

But most importantly, by working together - educators, students, and communities - we can harness AI's potential to create learning experiences that are not only more personalized and effective, but also instill the skills and mindset needed for success in an increasingly AI-integrated world.

Or as Claude 3.5 put it: Education should be a passport to the future, not a ticket to the past."

Thanks to Superintendent Reid, Gautam Sethi, and Scott Simmons for bringing everyone together for this opportunity to learn!


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