Help Students Study

with ChatGPT

In ChatGPT or your favorite AI Chatbot, have your students cut and paste the following prompt to help them study for an upcoming assessment. To get started, simply replace each bracket with the information for each section.

Study Help Prompt

I’m a [grade level and subject] student preparing for an upcoming [topic and specific type of assessment]. Below are the notes I’ve taken for the test. Based on my notes, can you generate a practice test to help me prepare?

Example Prompt

I’m a 9th grade biology student preparing for an upcoming multiple choice unit test on vertebrates. Below are the notes I’ve taken for the test. Based on my notes, can you generate a practice test to help me prepare?

Make the Prompt Work for Your Students

  • Change it up and have ChatGPT develop other types of study tools: study guides, worksheets, graphic organizers, mnemonic devices, flashcards, etc.

  • Ask ChatGPT to interview the student about the topic.

  • Have ChatGPT focus on certain information that may be weighted more heavily in the exam.

  • Study with a friend. Each person can use ChatGPT to create a different type of test (multiple choice, fill in the blank, short answer, etc.). Swap tests and complete the other person’s test, and then swap back and grade the one that they took.

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Developed in collaboration with Krishiv Thakuria from The Knowledge Society.


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