AI for Education Act


Big news out of DC as Senator Maria Cantwell and Senator Jerry Moran have introduced the bipartisan NSF AI Education Act that would revolutionize AI education in the US.

This bill, backed by the National Science Foundation, includes groundbreaking initiatives to foster AI literacy from preK-12. This announcement is especially welcome after last week’s disappointing release of the Senate’s AI Roadmap, which made almost no mention of education.

Here are the key highlights:

  • The bill directs the NSF to create publicly available "playbooks" for introducing AI in classrooms nationwide, with special consideration for rural and economically depressed areas (unsurprisingly, we love this).

  • Exciting opportunities for educators to advance their knowledge in AI through NSF-funded fellowships, enhancing their ability to integrate AI into their teaching practices.

  • Increased access to AI tools and applications, prioritizing rural schools, community colleges, and minority-serving institutions.

These issues are at the heart of our work at AI for Education. Which is why we have partnered with the Federation of American Scientists on a policy proposal that aligns with and expands much of the content in this bill with an aim for deep support of responsible AI adoption across the US K12 education system.

It’s so encouraging to see the increasing number of voices calling for comprehensive AI literacy in schools, and we hope to see a lot of forward momentum on this issue soon.

Let's work together to bring AI literacy to every classroom - contact your senators to let them know that you support the NSF AI Education Act of 2024!

Here’s the complete bill and summary version.


U.S. Senate’s AI Roadmap


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